Looking at this video, it is clear that there are two separate plots intertwining between the music and the story unfolding before the audience. For this reason, I feel that this music video is mainly amplifying; even though the music has a specific meaning, there is another sub layer to the story which makes the video feel more realistic to the audience. This is particularly shown through the use of cuts throughout the video; there are breaks in the music, in order to make way for the sub-plot to unfold. This helps to develop the emotional viewpoints of the characters by focusing the entire point of the video on the plot rather than the music being played.
The story is based around a couple's young love. It is a fairly typical scene of a couple kissing and being in love. However, the ending of their relationship is suddenly revealed with the break up at the end, giving the video a more realistic portrayal of the evolution of love. This makes the video and the genre of music fit perfectly, as they give an almost ruthless style of progression throughout. The “Rock” like style of the music unifies the plot because it represents rebellion opposed to what is usually expected from a love story.
Two shots are used throughout the video in order to give the audience the familiarity of a fluid conversation between both characters. In addition to this, close ups also help the audience to experience the emotional aspects of the video that develop further on. This results in the audience being more immersed in the events of each character.
Hand-held shots are also compiled throughout the video to build the overview of a realistic interpretation to what can happen to love, being not always beautiful, etc. I believe that this use of camera technique, combined with the use of shots where the camera pans across the scene of the couple, helps to bring the audience into the story. The music and its lyrics also help to tie the story line and the video together. This is shown by the pace and rhythm of the song starting of slow – where the couple starts off in love, and ends in a fast paced louder style of music – the lyrics mention the arrival of September, representing the end of a cycle, and ultimately death.This again fits well with the end of love. Furthermore, the shots of war shown at the end of the video correspond well with the drama created by the arguments between the two characters.